
Misaligned teeth can be straightened with orthodontics to improve the function and aesthetics of your smile. At Camellia Creek Dental Center, we use a system of clear aligners or braces to gently move your teeth to the desired position.

Clear Aligners

Clear Correct aligners for teeth correction, practiced by Mandeville Dentist Dr. Lisa Landesman

Clear aligners are very successful at certain types of tooth movement including tipping, leveling, and aligning. Clear aligners can provide a nice cosmetic result without others seeing your "braces".

Conventional Braces

Clear Correct aligners for teeth correction, practiced by Mandeville Dentist Dr. Lisa Landesman

Although they are more noticeable than clear aligners, conventional braces are appropriate for the difficult tooth movements that clear aligners cannot achieve. Braces are needed for correcting severe misalignment. Children and adolescents are not candidates for clear aligners.